High Teck HFP-Series Quart Urethane Basecoat HFP158 COMPARE TO: TOYOTA 040 SUPER WHITE National rule product
A quick dry, good hiding, factory pack basecoat
Ideal for overalls and large blend area repairs
A great ground coat for use under other basecoat colors APPLICATION Surface Prep
For Dry Sanding Final sand with 500-600 Grit
For Wet Sanding Final sand with 800-1000 Grit
Clean area with Wax and Grease Remover and wipe dry with a clean cloth
Tack Cloth any dust or dirt particles Mixing
Normal 1 Part Color, 1 Part Urethane Reducer
Better Hide 2 Parts Color, 1 Part Urethane Reducer
<10% Hardener(optional) Spray Gun Set-Up
Gravity Feed 1.3-1.5mm 30 PSI at the gun inlet
Gravity Feed HVLP 1.3-1.5mm 10 PSI max at air cap Coats
Apply 2-4 coats or until full coverage is achieved
Allow each coat to flash off 5 to 10 minutes between coats
Allow 20 minutes flash time after last color coat to apply clearcoat.
A quick dry, good hiding, factory pack basecoat
Ideal for overalls and large blend area repairs
A great ground coat for use under other basecoat colors APPLICATION Surface Prep
For Dry Sanding Final sand with 500-600 Grit
For Wet Sanding Final sand with 800-1000 Grit
Clean area with Wax and Grease Remover and wipe dry with a clean cloth
Tack Cloth any dust or dirt particles Mixing
Normal 1 Part Color, 1 Part Urethane Reducer
Better Hide 2 Parts Color, 1 Part Urethane Reducer
<10% Hardener(optional) Spray Gun Set-Up
Gravity Feed 1.3-1.5mm 30 PSI at the gun inlet
Gravity Feed HVLP 1.3-1.5mm 10 PSI max at air cap Coats
Apply 2-4 coats or until full coverage is achieved
Allow each coat to flash off 5 to 10 minutes between coats
Allow 20 minutes flash time after last color coat to apply clearcoat.