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HV 40,000 Chipeo Taramps Amplifier Strength, income and performance are some of the synonyms of this Taramps amplifier module. It has a maximum power of 40.000 Watts RMS at 0.5...
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HV 40,000 Chipeo Taramps Amplifier Strength, income and performance are some of the synonyms of this Taramps amplifier module. It has a maximum power of 40.000 Watts RMS at 0.5 ohm, thermal protection and anti short circuit. It is powered by batteries in series, as it uses batteries as its source of energy. Member of a unique line in its category, delivering extremely high power in medium and large automotive sound systems. Emphasis for subwoofer to high midrange, with high tone performance and sound quality. Technical Information: OPERATION CLASS Class D NUMBER OF CHANNELS 01 MAXIMUM POWER @227VDC - 0.5 OHM 40.000W RMS INPUT SENSITIVITY 330mV (Level 100%) @ 0,5 OHM SIGNAL TO NOISE RATIO >95dB FREQUENCY RESPONSE 10Hz ~ 15KHz (0.5dB) EFFICIENCY (ES) 92% @0.5 Ohm (en máxima potencia) INPUT IMPEDANCE 27K OHMS PROTECTION SYSTEM Short-Circuit to Output, Short on output compared to GND, Low impedance at output, High/Low supply voltage and Thermal protection MIN. SUPPLY VOLTAGE 140VDC MAXIMUM POWER SUPPLY VOLTAGE 275VDC CONSUMPTION AT REST 110mA MAXIMUM MUSIC CONSUMPTION @0.5 OHM: 91.5A MAXIMUM CONSUMPTION IN SINUSOIDAL SIGNAL @0.5 OHM (100Hz): 183A DIMENSIONS (H X W X D) 8.98" x 2.52" x 22.07" WEIGHT 12.54lb EAN 7898556844727 Warranty: Taramps products come with a 1 year limited warranty from the manufacturer. This warranty does not cover: Burnt voice coils, abuse and damaged caused by improper use or installation, physical damage to the product cause by the consumer, installation charges incurred, damage to amplifiers when connected at less ohm load than specified by the manufacturer, damage to amplifiers caused by insufficient electrical requirements, water damage, excessive wear and tear, and any other cause implied in the warranty card supplied by the manufacturer. Shipping:
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